Friday, May 4, 2012

Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls

We saw David Sedaris at UC Berkeley last night. He read stories about stuffed owls and taxidermy, longevity and his father’s insistence that David get a colonoscopy, and then he read his New Yorker article on socialized medicine. He recommended “The Book of Deadly Animals” by Gordon Grice, and read some passages from it, all of which illustrated the fact that many animals are, in fact, complete assholes. Then he read from his diary.

There were two stories from his diary that I particularly liked:

He was checking in at an airport and the woman at the counter thought she recognized him. She asked if he was a comedian and he said no, he was just a writer. But she proceeded to tell him a joke anyway, since she thought he might like it, but it lacked a punch line. So he told her a joke about Willie Nelson: “Q. What’s the last thing you want to hear when you’re blowing Willie Nelson? A. I’m not Willie Nelson.” (Side note: this was a joke he had made last year when I saw him in San Francisco and the audience loved it.) But the clerk didn’t seem to get what was funny, so he proceeded to explain it, telling her that the only reason you’d ever blow someone who looked like that was because he was famous, and how distressing it would be to realize you’d made an error. She just nodded. At that point, he realized he’d broken two of his mother’s rules: One, never explain a joke, and two, never mention oral sex to a woman at the airline checkout counter that you’ve just met.

The other diary story was also travel related, and I assume it must have taken place before the publication of “Squirrel Meets Chipmunk.” He was sitting next to a woman on an airplane who started to chat with him, and she told him she’d authored two books on sexual harassment that had done very well, but for her next book she was venturing into fiction. She said it was going to be “chick lit” but that was ok because she had the “best title ever.” He asked what it was. She put both her hands in front of her in a “stop, wait for this” gesture and said, “Falling…for…Christmas.” David looked at her and said “oh! uh huh.” So at that point he told her that he also had the title picked out for his next book: “Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls.” She asked, “Diabetes? Like the disease?” “Uh huh” he told her. “With Owls?” “Yes.” She paused for a moment and then said, “Huh. Well I guess we’d better get started on those books of ours!”  

He also invited questions, and someone asked him about his favorite TV shows, and he mentioned “Breaking Bad” and “Ru Paul’s Drag Race.” He also mentioned that he had recently seen the movie “Weekend” and really enjoyed it, but was perplexed to see that the lead actors were not gay (though I think one of them actually is) and he made a joke about how they couldn’t manage to find two gay actors for a movie about a relationship between two gay men. He compared it to casting actors with legs in roles about amputees (for example, Gary Sinise in Forrest Gump), and how actors without legs must have seen him in that and thought, “Man, if I can’t get that role, what am I ever going to get?”

Afterward we ran out quickly to get in line and we were about 20 people back, which was excellent since there were hundreds of people behind us. We chatted with him for a few minutes about pregnancy and sodomy, got another book signed, and he gave us a couple of cards, including one that said “Abortions $3.00.”

It was magical.